
The President-Elect will serve as President of the NCAC-APA Board in 2025 and 2026. The President-Elect assists the Chapter President in the following duties, among others:

  • Works with the Board to help establish the vision and work program of the Board and Chapter
  • Schedules and presides over the Board
  • Works with Board members to establish, participate in, and appoint members to various standing and ad-hoc working committees
  • Prepares the annual Board report to National APA
  • Attends meetings of the APA Chapter Presidents’ Council
  • Generally, oversees operation of the Chapter.

The President-Elect calls and presides over Board meetings in the President’s absence, supports the President’s participation in the APA Chapter Presidents’ Council, and performs other duties as requested by the President. 

Vice President for Professional Development-Elect

The Vice President of Professional Development-Elect will serve as the Vice President of Professional Development, or Chapter Professional Development Officer (PDO), in 2025 and 2026. The PDO and the PDO-Elect are charged with promoting professional development and continuing education for existing AICP Planners, those who seek AICP certification, and prospective APA members. The PDO-Elect coordinates with the PDO during the first two years to gain experience working with members, APA National, and other Chapters and Divisions to provide professional development opportunities to APA-NCAC Members. The PDO-Elect works with the PDO on a variety of professional development and continuing education activities, including, but not limited to, conferences, webinars, AICP exam prep, and AICP Certification Maintenance. 

Vice President for Chapter Communications

The Vice President for Communications promotes the role of planning in the region through dissemination of information about the APA and news, events, activities, and initiatives of the Chapter. The VP for Communications is responsible for the development of public relations activities and is generally responsible for the following:

  • Supervision of publications such as the newsletter, program announcements, and news releases
  • Supervision of electronic communications such as the Chapter website, e-mail announcements and correspondence, social media
  • Encouraging membership in APA and the Chapter
  • Assisting the President in coordinating Chapter programs
  • Providing the current Bylaws to all new Chapter members
  • Forwarding to the Executive Director of APA at least one copy of each Chapter Publication
  • Releasing Chapter Statements (e.g., Statement on Structural and Systemic Racism)

Vice President for Diversity and Community Outreach

The Vice President for Diversity and Community Outreach leads the Chapter’s efforts to:

  • Promote the field of planning and planning education
  • Promote the work of planners and the work of the Board and Chapter
  • Broaden the relevance and contribution of the planning profession to all local efforts to achieve social, economic, quality of life, and quality of access goals consistent with the purposes and mission of APA and AICP 
The Vice President for Diversity and Community Outreach works with university and secondary educators to increase the participation of minorities and other persons traditionally underrepresented in planning education and the planning field through programs, events, and scholarships. 

Vice President for Membership

The Vice President for Membership helps drive the strategic and operational direction of the Chapter by working to increase and support Chapter membership, market the Chapter to prospective members, and promote the value of Chapter membership at events throughout the Region. 


The Secretary keeps a record of actions and discussion at Board meetings by preparing and archiving Board minutes. 


The Treasurer develops, for the Board’s annual approval, the Chapter budget, receives and disburses Chapter funds, prepares financial statements, maintains the Chapter’s tax-exempt status, and manages the Chapter’s financial accounts. 

Directors At-Large

The Board has six Directors-At-Large who chair standing and ad-hoc Committees and perform a variety of other duties as requested by the Board.