2022 Awards*

Award Person/Organization/Project
Leadership in Planning Award for a Student in Honor of Prof. Sherwin Greene Carter Reitman
Leadership in Planning Award for a Citizen or Elected Official David Owens
Leadership in Planning Award for a Professional Planner in Honor of Frederick Gutheim Gwen Wright
Leadership in Planning Award for Community Outreach and Engagement Award in Honor of Harold Foster Thrive Montgomery 2050 Equitable Engagement Strategy
Planning Excellence Award in Public Health moveDC 2021
Planning Excellence Award in General Planning Comprehensive Plan of the City of Rockville, Maryland
Planning Excellence Award in Sustainability & Resilience Federal Transportation Element, Addendum, and Transportation Modeling Program
Planning Excellence Award in Advancing Diversity & Social Equity Next Libris: DC Public Library Facilities Master Plan

*Eligibility for awards for 2022 included a 4 year time period due to an interruption in awards recognition during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

2018 Awards

Award Project/Program Person/Organization
Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected Official Nancy Floreen, Montgomery County Council
Outstanding Implemented Project, Program or Tool Western Rosslyn Area Plan and Implementation Arlington County
Outstanding Plan Bethesda Downtown Plan Montgomery County Planning Department
Outstanding Plan 2017-2021 Community Sustainability Plan City of Hyattsville
Harold Foster Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan Engagement Strategies for Hard-to-Reach Communities Montgomery County Planning Department
Outstanding Firm Contribution to the DC Region Crystal City to Ronald Reagan National Airport Pedestrian Connection Feasibility Study VHB
Frederick Gutheim Award for Distinguished Leadership in Planning National Capital Region, National Park Service, Paved Trails Study National Park Service and AECOM
Frederick Gutheim Award for Distinguished Leadership in Planning Banneker Park Pedestrian Access Improvements National Capital Planning Commission

2016 Awards

Award Project/Program Person/Organization
Award for an Outstanding Plan Southwest Neighborhood Plan DCOP
Award for an Outstanding Implementation Project TIGER Bus Priority Program DDOT, WMATA, MDOT/MTA, City of Alexandria, and PRTC
Award for an Outstanding Program National Mall Circulator Route Implementation DDOT, Downtown DC BID, National Parks Service, DC Surface Transit, Inc.
Award for an Outstanding Tool Montgomery County Planning Department Bicycle Stress Map MNCPPC, Montgomery County Planning Department
Harold Foster Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Vision Zero Action Plan DDOT
Merit Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Community Engagement Campaign NoMa Parks Foundation
Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected Official or Citizen Planner Nikki Peele
Frederick Gutheim Award for Distinguished Leadership in Planning (Public and Private Sector) Maisie Hughes
Distinguished Leadership Award for a Planning Educator or Student John Carruthers

2014 Awards

Award Project/Program Person/Organization
Excellence Award for an Outstanding Regional or Comprehensive Plan Play DC Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Merit Award for an Outstanding Regional or Comprehensive Plan Plan Prince George’s 2035 Approved General Plan MNCPPC – PG County Planning Department
Award for an Outstanding Neighborhood or Small Area Plan Union Station to Georgetown Alternatives Analysis DDOT
Award for an Outstanding Implemented Project, Program or Tool Prince George’s County Downtown Diagnostic Index MNCPPC – PG County Planning Department
Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Mid City East Livability Study DCOP
Merit Award in Community Outreach and Engagement WMATA: Office of Planning, Office of External Relations and Office of Equal Employment Opportunity WMATA
Benjamin Banneker Award for Excellence for an Outstanding Social Commitment and Community Initiative Bicycle and Segway Plan: Naval Support Activity Bethesda US Navy
Benjamin Banneker Award for Merit for an Outstanding Social Commitment and Community Initiative Citizen Advocate Handbook Casey Trees
Current Topic Award for Innovative Smart Growth Initiative DC Vibrant Retail Streets Toolkit Initiative DCOP
Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected Official Chris Zimmerman, former WMATA and Arlington County Board Member
Frederick Gutheim Award for Distinguished Leadership by a Professional Planner Terry Holzheimer, PhD, FAICP (posthumous)
Planning in the Media Award Martin Di Caro, Transportation Reporter for WAMU 88.5
Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Chapter Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA-DC)

2012 Awards

Award Project/Program Person/Organization
Award for an Outstanding Regional or Comprehensive Plan Vision 2030 Strategic Plan for Parks and Recreation in Montgomery County and the 2012 Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan for Montgomery County Montgomery County, MD
Award for an Outstanding Neighborhood or Small Area Plan Mosaic, Phase I Merrifield, VA
The Reuse Plan of the Former Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C.
Award for an Outstanding Implemented Project, Program or Tool Central 14th Street ArtPlace Washington, D.C.
Harold Foster Award for Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Far Northeast Livability Study Washington, D.C.
Benjamin Banneker Award for Outstanding Social Commitment and Community Initiatives Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Area Plan Arlington, VA
Distinguished Leadership Award for a Citizen Planner Greater Greater Washington
Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected Official District of Columbia, Arlington County, the City of Alexandria, Montgomery County, the City College Park and University of Maryland, and the City of Rockville for their commitments to the Capital Area Bikeshare Programs
Frederick Gutheim Award for Distinguished Leadership by a Professional Planner Fern Piret, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning, Prince George’s Planning Department
Sherwin Greene Distinguished Leadership Award for a Student Planner Mary Dreusike the Catholic University of America
Current Topic Award for Innovative Smart Growth Initiative Southwest EcoDistrict: A Vision Plan for a More Sustainable Future Washington, D.C.
Central Annapolis Road Approved Sector Plan & Sectional Map Amendment Prince George’s County
Outstanding Contribution to the Chapter Julia Koster, AICP, National Capital Planning Commission

2010 Awards

Award Project/Program Person/Organization
Outstanding Implemented Project, Program or Tool Award New York Avenue Metro Financing NoMa Public and Private Stakeholders
Frederick Gutheim Award for Leadership by a Professional Planner Travis B. Parker District of Columbia Office of Planning
Outstanding Neighborhood or Small Area Plan Award White Flint Sector Plan Montgomery County Planning Department
Distinguished Leadership Award for a Citizen Planner Ms. Margaret Morgan-Hubbard CEO, Engaged Community Offshoots
Outstanding Regional or Comprehensive Plan Award 2010 Historic Sites and Districts Plan Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County Planning Department
Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected Official Sharon Bulova, Chairman, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chair, Greater Washington 2050 Coalition
Current Topic Award: Innovations in Transportation Metrorail Bicycle & Pedestrian Access Improvements Study Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Benjamin Banneker Award for Outstanding Social Commitment and Community Initiatives Dr. Royce Hanson Past Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board
Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Chapter Professor Hazel Ruth Edwards Catholic University
Jury Award Creative DC Action Agenda District of Columbia Office of Planning
Sherwin Greene Award for Leadership by a Student Planner Stacie L. West
Distinction in Community Outreach and Engagement Envision Prince George’s Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County Planning Department